Friday, May 26, 2006

Charity ball: McAfee gives Bush No. 25 - Biloxi Sun-Herald
...Bush has said he will donate 25 percent of his jersey royalties to help those affected by Hurricane Katrina. Fred McAfee agreed to give it up the number in lieu of half of the 25 percent of what the 2005 Heisman Trophy winner earns through jersey sales.

In turn, McAfee will take that money and donate it to a charity of his choice...

..."Despite initially being disappointed, to wear 25 will help keep everyone aware of their struggles. And I thank Fred for making it available.".

"With this deal, many more people can benefit from the sale of the jersey," said McAfee. "This allows me many more options to help more people...

..."I look forward to donating my part of the proceeds to charities. And I think Reggie should be commended for making that commitment."

Also, A SIGNIFICANT NUMBER - New Orleans Times-Picayune
[Demasio] All eyes on Bush - CNNSI

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