Thursday, February 22, 2007

Moon over Utah: USC goalie cited - LA Daily News
..."It's coming off with a weird spin now," teammate Tyler McLinn said. "But the crowd was giving him a standing ovation when he did it.

"It lightened the mood of the game. It was a pretty tense time with the referees. We had like six guys in the penalty box. The game was getting out of hand."

According to North Park police Sgt. John Italasano, lewdness is a Class B misdemeanor which carries a maximum fine of $1,000 and a sentence of 180 days in jail...

...Italasano said. "I guess he acted before he thought of the consequences. ... They were playing BYU, so yeah, people were offended."...

Also, He wants to put episode behind him - LA Times
To the moon, malice - Philly Daily News
Moon Over Mormon Country - DeadSpin

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